As the Best of NH Caterer, Celebrations is committed to safe events and food service during COVID-19. As we transition back into catering events and weddings, parties, corporate gatherings, and even the opening of our school cafeterias in New Hampshire, safety has been of utmost concern. Although Celebrations has been operating throughout the pandemic providing socially distant and even contactless meal options for the community, we want to take the time to share with you what we are personally doing as a New Hampshire small business to stay healthy, and how we are navigating current COVID-19 recommendations and circumstances.
All employees are screened for symptoms and risk factors before each work day including temperature checks. Employees are required to maintain 6 feet distance when at all possible, wear masks and gloves at all times. Anyone entering buildings are screened and checked as well.
Sanitizer and hand washing stations are available for use in lobbies, reception areas, cafeterias, restrooms and cashier stations. All front-of-house areas and cafeterias door handles, screens, phones, pens, keyboards and other areas of hand contact at least every two hours.
Self-serve and stationary food stations are not permitted. Self-serve buffets and appetizers, as well as condiments on counters for use by multiple tables, or beverage station re-use are not permitted. We are offering buffet-style dining, however buffets are staffed in a way that only staff are touching serving utensils and serving customers; social distancing in serving lines must be maintained.
Plexiglass barriers have been installed in cafeterias when at all possible, and staff and customers going through any service lines must wear face coverings at all times.
Outdoor events are preferable to indoor events. Eating areas at venues and within cafeterias are distanced at least six feet apart, 6 guests to a table, with extra distancing and guideline indicators and signage. Flow of traffic is also controlled limiting contact and exposure.
In accordance with recommendations and guidelines, we have adapted our menus, website and ordering systems, food packaging and packaging methods, as well as pick-up and delivery services to fit your personal, family, and business needs. Orders can be customized and individualized to align with safety and distancing needs.
Celebrations is so thankful for your support over the years and during these difficult times. Know that we are here to do the cooking for you, your family, small business, corporate event, wedding, graduations and holiday gatherings.